Rose Tanaye

Whether you are beginning your counselling journey or are a returning client we are focused on providing you with the means to to connect with us in the way that is most comfortable for you.
Click the buttons below to either book your next appointment online or send Rose an email.
Registered Social Worker

Get to Know Rose
Life is full of surprises and demands and can get overwhelming. I have learned the importance of slowing down and allowing myself to be in the moment and just be. Being in the moment has allowed me to step outside of my bubble and look within with curiosity, it can be challenging, but those challenges allow me to grow and accept the unknown and trust that I have the tools to face challenges thrown my way.
I heard there was a story told about me before I was born, everyone had formulated an idea of who I will be in this world before I could utter my first word. I tried to fit their narratives, but that caused me distress and dissatisfaction with life. There are stories told about us by others and stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves. The true story lies in between the two narratives as who we are is shaped by society and others. I have taken this journey called life as a journey to figure out and carve out my own narrative, it has highs and lows but it’s my story and I get to decide how I tell it. We have a choice in how our story ends.
I know TV shows have influenced how we view therapy and what if I told you that therapy is not just for the big things, but the little things too, as they also impact our lives. Our experiences are valid, but we tend to constantly undermine our experiences as we feel like our experiences don’t matter compared to others. Your journey is yours alone and you get to decide which path you want to take. There is power in talking, being validated, and being listened to and being heard. I don’t have all the answers, but you don’t have to walk alone.

Specialty Areas
Mood Concerns
Race-Related stress
Individual Counselling
/ 50 minute session